Confessions of a Pilot
by Gene Seibel
ISBN 0-9700674-0-2
170 pages
Read the account of one such pilot and his 20-year love affair with flying. Explore the memories, dreams, fears, and adventures in his beloved 1958 Piper Tri-Pacer. Share his joy of flight and uncover his hidden emotions. Experience his trepidation as he faces unknown challenges. Climb with him above setbacks and disappointments.
You will feel his panic as a terrified student pilot and read first-hand impressions as he faces aircraft mishaps, engine failure and dangerous weather conditions. You will drift peacefully across North American skies from Oshkosh to Acapulco, from Phoenix to Philadelphia, to enjoy a bird's eye view of this great land of ours.
Whether you are a pilot who may have found yourself in this pilot's shoes, an aspiring pilot looking for insight, or someone who simply believes the spice of life is going beyond ordinary everyday earthbound activities, this is the book for you.