Kathryn Lively


Kathryn Lively is a native of Jacksonville, Florida who divides her time between Florida and Virginia. She is the author of the EPPIE nominated LITTLE FLOWERS, published in print by Highbridge Press and in eBook format by FrancisIsidore Electronic Press. In May, 2003 her first mystery novel, SAINTS PRESERVE US, will be published by Wings Press. A sequel, to be titled PRAY FOR US SINNERS, is in the works and will be published in 2004-5. SAINTS is set in Ash Lake, a fictional north Florida town near Jacksonville. The story concerns the 'kidnapping' of the body of a young girl whose cause for canonization is about to be approved by the Vatican. A descendant of the girl works with the town sheriff to solve the mystery. Presently the first two chapters of the book, along with more information on this new mystery series is available at Kathryn's website. Also in May, Echelon Press will release Kathryn's eBook novella, DANGEROUS WORDS, co-written with Shiba author Bob Stanton. WORDS is set in New Orleans, and is told from the points of view of two characters who meets at writer's workshop. One character is obsessed with the other, and an ensuing game of cat and mouse turns deadly. WORDS will be available for download for only one dollar. For more information on Kathryn and her writing, please visit her weblog.

You can reach Kathryn Lively via e-mail.

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